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The Committee on Gender Equality is responsible for determining and monitoring policy implementation, and in the process of passing laws and other regulations it has the rights and duties of the parent working body in areas related to promoting and monitoring the application of gender equality in Croatian legislation.

- encouraging the signing of international documents on gender equality and monitoring the implementation of these documents,
- participation in the development, implementation and analysis of the implementation of the National Policy for Gender Equality in the Republic of Croatia,
- cooperation and determination of measures and activities for the promotion of the right to gender equality,
- proposing a program of measures to eliminate discrimination by sex,
- encouraging equal gender representation in the working bodies and delegations of Parliament,
- participation in the preparation of documents on the integration activities of the Republic of Croatia by amending and adapting legislation and implementing measures for achieving gender equality according to standards

applied in the legislation and programs of the European Union,
- determining draft laws and other acts on gender equality,
- introduction of the principles of gender equality in education, health, public information, social policy, employment, entrepreneurship, decision-making processes, family relations, etc.
