women's entrepreneurship

The Ministry of the Economy, Labor and Entrepreneurship, based on the initiative of the Circle and the National Policy for the Promotion of Gender Equality 2006-2010, launched an initiative to develop a Strategy for Women's Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia with an Action Plan (hereinafter Strategy) and achieving social cohesion and justice, balancing regional development and highlighting the role of education, science and the financial services market - all with the aim of strengthening women's entrepreneurship.

The Ministry of the Economy, Labor and Entrepreneurship, the Ministry of the Family, Veterans 'Affairs and Intergenerational Solidarity, the Office for Gender Equality, the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, the Croatian Employers' Association and the Krug Association participated in drafting the Strategy and Action Plan. The proposal of the Strategy and Action Plan was prepared by the research and project team of the Center for Policy Development of Small and Medium Enterprises and Entrepreneurship CEPOR.

Women's Entrepreneurship Development Strategy